Company characteristics

Sunningwell Steel S.A.

LDME is a company under Sunningwell Steel S.A. which was registered in 2019. The shareholders’ intention is for Sunnignwell Steel to become a Polish steel holding company covering the acquired assets in Poland, Romania and potentially other Central and Eastern European countries.

Steel products of various types

By combining the strength, expirience and production capacity of two plants – Romanian Otelu Rosu Steel Plant and Częstochowa Steelworks in Poland – the company is able to produce a variety of steel products suited to market needs e.g. profiles for building structures, sections for shipbuilding, railway sleepers.

Rebuilding the former greatness

As a newly established company, we plan to resume mass production on a new scale in the former production plant, located in western Romania. This will allow us to fully exploit the production and transport potential of this industrial region.

Otelu Rosu steel plant

OTELU ROSU is able to produce low, mid, high carbon and highly alloyed steel billets for further rolling of concrete reinforcement bars, wire and special steels. Designed production capacity is 850,000 tons/year liquid steel.

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